Friday, November 5, 2010

Here, there and everywhere!

Completely random thoughts, ideas, feelings, stories & questions.

#1. Instead of making/selling rug pads separately to prevent your rugs from slipping...why don't they just make rugs that don't slip? I mean who WANTS their rug moving all over the place?

#2. Tonight Grace had the hiccups. For the first 10 or so hiccups she very politely said, "Excuse me." after every single hiccup.

#3. I laid next to Grace to pray with her before bed...she rolled over, gave me a hug and said, "We friends mommy. We friends." I cried...

#4. I am losing my voice...that has NEVER happened. I suppose after 29 years of talking, it was bound to happen.

#5. Last weekend was a little rough. I was sick, Seth's truck broke, then wasn't broken, then his saw broke, but wasn't broke, and my mom was here and she was sick and we were all thinking about how we should have been home with our new son by now. So...Monday am rolled around and Seth headed to work and Grace and I went about our normal routine. We were headed to Target (we were literally OUT of toilet paper) and stopped to see Seth, at which point he informs me his saw broke and said, "I feel like the world is crashing in on us. Why can't SOMETHING good just happen." Seth, is not exactly a dramatic person so I knew he meant business. For some reason I burst into tears, Seth got upset, packed up and we all headed home. Except to our "new house" After about an hr. there, I realized we weren't upset anymore. We were laughing and having fun. As the week went on and we spent more time at the "new house" I realized that there is a different feeling there. Of hope and happiness. Our house is filled with memories, but the ones that stand out the most are bad. We bought this house as newlyweds, both employed full time, on the go, never home, 20-somethings. We made it our own and grew into it as a family. But we aren't those people anymore. We need more space and mostly...we need to get away from the baggage here. The 2 rooms meant for our 2 sons, where they will never lay. It also makes me miss my job and all the students I worked with! At the new house, I see a constant flow of friends and family, a room big enough for twin babies :) and table to eat at! It gives us something to look forward to's strange...I'm not big on "energies" and "vibes and what not...but there is definitely a different feeling....a good one. We love being there. Someone, please come buy our baggage :)

#6. Did you know there was an election on Tuesday? Of course you did! Well, I heard something very simply, yet profound on the radio on Wednesday. "The answer to America's problems is NOT political. It's spiritual." Wait a minute! You mean ONE man/woman can't solve the worlds problems? You mean, we SHOULDN'T put all our trust in another sinner's hands? You mean there is something greater than Obama? Could it be? Shesh...what if we gave up talking about Republicans, Democrats, who voted for this, who voted for that, should the government control this, should the people control that...they/we ALL suck anyway. What if instead...we prayed. Because the God I believe in is far more powerful than even Obama or the Supreme Court. The God I believe in cares about people and morals, not popularity or money. The God I believe in can fix ALL our problems with no debt, no voting and NO political commercials. Next time, let's all vote for Jesus!

#7. Flannel sheets are amazing.

#8. CHRISTMAS IS STUPID!!! That's right, I said it! Christmas is stupid. Let's be honest here, while the intent of Christmas is great and I am a BIG fan of the reason behind it what Christmas has become is pathetic and stupid! I really get a kick out of terms like "Religious Christmas cards" or "Religious Christmas decorations" I mean I thought Christmas was a religious holiday. But really Christmas is OUR holiday. It's about US, who has the best Christmas decorations, who can throw the best Christmas party, delicious food, Christmas bonuses and of course, presents. What does any of that have to do with baby Jesus being born? Other than the Wisemen brought gifts....TO JESUS...not themselves. I propose Christmas all year round. I would rather see something at a store that reminds me of someone and give it to them to simply say, "I thought of you. I love you." I propose we gather together as families on a regular basis, not because it's a holiday and we have to but because we realize the true gift of family and we want to be together. I propose hosting a Christmas party in the middle of January to get friends together to fellowship. Business should give out bonuses for citizenship and achieving goals. I've attempted to boycott Christmas the past couple years to make a point about the commercialization of it all...but when everyone buys us presents I feel pretty bad not getting anyone else anything. :) I'll confess, I like Christmas. The warm, fuzzy feeling of family in a warm house (unless you are a Shonley:), Christmas Eve church, watching my daughter's face light up with every present she opens. BUT, I don't like the worldly Christmas. I guess I'm pushing for the "Religious Christmas."

#9. Church Shopping. We've been trying to find the "right" church for us for a while now. Seth grew up in the same church his whole life where his family still attends and after working as the youth director at GLC for 5 years the concept of choosing a church to attend is still a little odd. Just trying to find out where we fit in our family. I think we've finally stumbled upon something...time will tell.

#10. I LOVE Crossword puzzles. Just call me Stanley :)

#11. brain is slipping...enough randomness for today!
Found this in our flower boxes. WHAT THE HECK IS IT??????????????


  1. "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me..." SO cute. :)

    She's such a dolly!!

  2. You should try out Harvest Vineyard if you haven't yet. It's preeeetty awesome! Glad your new house is treating you well, can't wait to see it! :) LOVE YOU!
