Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quick update/prayer request

Hello all and thank you for following our crazy journey!

Just a quick follow up/update from the last post:
I have contacted Jennifer's friend, Jane and requested she meet with us and at least give us a chance to adopt this baby. She agreed and said she would be in contact sometime next week.

Please continue to pray that first and foremost God's will be done and that Jennifer can find a family that she feels comfortable with and trusts with her precious baby. Of course, we hope and pray and beg and plead that family is us, but we aren't in control of that. Pray for patience for us and, again, that Jane would see who we are: a family in love with Jesus and with open arms ready and waiting for another baby to love.

I had really struggled with the fact that we got so far along with Zion. Wondering why, if we were going to lose him it couldn't have happened much earlier...why not until we had put up the crib, etc? After hearing about this adoption opportunity and praying about that, it suddenly hit me...if we had lost Zion earlier (or later) we'd would be at a different place in life as far as grieving and the future of our family. But because we lost him when we did, we have this amazing opportunity...I am choosing to believe that is not a coincidence.

We can't thank you enough for your support and prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Hey SSLorntson, my name is John. I read a lot of blogs on religion and prayer and I've i feel like I've ended up here once before. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this prayer exchange website I thought it was an interesting idea and would be curious to hear what you (or other Christians) think about it

    I'll check back here in the next day or two, thanks & God bless
    John W.
